The Tempest Two: Building Resilience

This week we’re bringing you a very special masterclass from a recent live edition of the podcast that we held right here at our very own Easol House in Hackney, London. 

In 2016, adventurers James Whittle and Tom Caulfield, known as the Tempest Two, decided to row across the Atlantic—a 3,000-mile journey with no support crew, no prior rowing experience, and no real understanding of what they were getting themselves into.

It took them 54 days and saw them face challenges that ranged from circling sharks to a Category 2 Hurricane. One life-changing adventure is probably enough for most people, but in the following years the Tempest Two have gone on to ride from London to the Sahara on motorbikes, scale El Capitan in Yosemite Valley, and complete a triathlon in the wilderness of Patagonia. 

But what makes James and Tom different from many other explorers and adventurers is that, as they put it they have, 'no right to be doing this’. They’re just two regular guys who simply throw themselves into challenges to help them realise their true potential. 

The other thing that makes them stand apart is how they’ve now translated these learnings from their experiences into actionable insights for businesses like Google, Nike and Airbnb to help build and instil a culture of growth and resilience for teams. 

In this episode, the guys tell the incredible stories behind their adventures and explain the unique skills and mindset they have adopted for success. 

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