Friends With Benefits: Festivals in the Web 3 era

How do you translate the philosophy of an experimental online community into consistently awesome experiences all around the world?

Online collective Friends With Benefits has been redefining what community means in the Web3 era since its inception in 2020.

While their base is online, they’ve made their mark in the in-person experience space, hosting more than 225 events around the world ranging from intimate parties to three successful editions of FWB Fest in California. FWB describes that flagship event as “part festival, part conference,100% secret third thing”, a melting pot that finds experts and award-winning podcasters rubbing shoulders with artists like Tirzah and Jacques Greene.

For the latest Creators In Session masterclass, FWB CEO Greg Bresnitz talks to Easol's Co-Founder Lisa Simpson about the unique challenges and opportunities FWB faces, their mindful events philosophy, and what the future holds for creators, both on- and offline.

Included in this episode:

  • How FWB's Pattern Language allows members to create amazing experiences worldwide

  • What their team has done to take on feedback and evolve their experiences

  • The role technology plays in allowing creativity to thrive

Listen in and discover how the worlds of Experience Commerce and Web3 are colliding. 

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